

Panasonic’s PV-DV950 Boasts 3 CCDs, Manual Controls

Panasonic's new PV-DV950 mini DV camcorder is a 3-chip model with manual iris, gain and focus controls, as well as a 2.5-inch LCD monitor,...

Play Finally Ships Trinity NLE

Play Incorporated today began shipping its highly anticipated Trinity NLE system to customers worldwide. Trinity NLE is a nonlinear editing system that...

Canopus DVRex Goes Real Time

DVRexRT is Canopus Corporation's new Windows NT-based dual-stream engine that adds real-time capabilities to the company's popular DVRex DV editing system. Developed for professional...

Sony Unveils New VAIO Line at Videomaker Expo

For the past several years, Videomaker's Expo has drawn an eager crowd looking for the latest information, tools and tips to make the world...

Pinnacle Ships Studio DV Video Editing System

Pinnacle Systems' new Studio DV Video Editing System enables consumers to create high-quality digital videos on their PCs, taking input directly from DV camcorders....

Dell Offers Turnkey System with Pinnacle DC1000 Audio/Video Capture Card

Pinnacle Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: PCLE) today announced its bundle relationship with Dell Computer Corporation. The Dell Precision WorkStation* 410 or 610 is now available with...

Sound Track: Ten Wireless Tips

As the old axiom says, videographers either swear by wireless mikes or swear at them. Grizzled video veterans would say the difference between the...

Benchmark:Ulead Systems Cool 3D 2.5 Titling Software

3D Titles the Easy Way Ulead Cool 3D 2.5 Titling Software ($50) Ulead Systems, Inc. 970 West 190th St. Ste. 520 Torrance, CA 90502 (800) 858-5323 Last year, Ulead Systems' Cool...

The Secret to Color Bars Revealed!

VX1000 Color Bars After owning a Sony DCR-VX1000 for nearly a year, I have at last cracked the secret code to record the built-in color...