

Pinnacle Systems Announces USB Version Of Studio PCTV

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 10/11/99Pinnacle Systems, Inc., (NASDAQ: PCLE - news) today announced the USB version of its Studio PCTV product. The new USB version...

Apple’s New iMac DV is Video-friendly

Apple iCEO Steve Jobs today recently unveiled three new iMacs, two of which--the iMac DV and the iMac DV Special Edition--support nonlinear video editing...

A Guide on Wedding Photography and Video

Wedding Photography and Video Chuck Delaney (1994, Allworth Press 10 East 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010, 159 pp., $11) Weddings provide opportune moments waiting to...

DV Q&A Our Expert Answers Your Questions

Everyone seems to have questions or concerns about the Mini DV and Digital8 formats and consistent answers are sometimes hard to find. In this...

Panasonic’s PV-DV950 Boasts 3 CCDs, Manual Controls

Panasonic's new PV-DV950 mini DV camcorder is a 3-chip model with manual iris, gain and focus controls, as well as a 2.5-inch LCD monitor,...

Play Finally Ships Trinity NLE

Play Incorporated today began shipping its highly anticipated Trinity NLE system to customers worldwide. Trinity NLE is a nonlinear editing system that...

Canopus DVRex Goes Real Time

DVRexRT is Canopus Corporation's new Windows NT-based dual-stream engine that adds real-time capabilities to the company's popular DVRex DV editing system. Developed for professional...