Freeze frame featured image
Throughout the history of cinema, filmmakers, big and small, have used the freeze frames in their projects, but why?
What does a cinematographer do?
The role cinematographers fill is vital, as they are directly responsible for the visual look and feel of the films they work on.
Graphics are certainly an element that raises the professional look of your livestream. Graphics add more than just looks, however. Studies indicate that people remember more if they can see and hear information. If you want your message to stick when livestreaming, you need to add some images. The challenge...
Cinematography is more than just pointing a camera and capturing images. The cinematographer's art is visual storytelling.
Whether you’re a pro videographer or a beginner, making a movie is going to require a lot of preparation, time, and work. We will help you through it.
We’ve all been there. Someone's found out that you have the video tools and the talent, and you get volunteered to record something, shall we say, less than exciting. Perhaps it’s a school play, or a kid’s sporting event or a musical recital. Your first, gut reaction is to...
Photo montage of children in fall
For the video creative, every shot tells a story. Learning the art of visual storytelling will take your video from mundane to engaging.
Man looking straight into camera.
For effective communication, begin production with a clear idea of your viewers’ role. Consider how camera angles may change the relationship your viewer has to your subject.
Titanic (1997)
There are numerous reasons creators get into the world of film and video, but the overlying constant that consumers all want is a good story!
Summer sun shining through the slats of a garden chair
Do you ever experience a creative shooting version of Writer's Block? Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration when you're a creative artist. What do I shoot next? How can I make my next shot different? This week marks the first week of summer - let the Summer Sun be...