Corporate video production featured image
There are many aspects to running a successful corporate video production company. Here's what you need to know to do it.
Music video production on set
Music videos are fun to watch, but take a lot of work to make. Let's discuss the ins and outs of music video production.
There are many roles required to achieve great cinematography. Regardless of size, every production needs a strong cinematography crew.
Before there can be any lights, cameras or action on a set, there must first be… a set! Enter the illustrious set director—better known in theater, television and film as a production designer.
A video producer is in charge of every aspect of the production from the beginning to the end. Their roles are to assists in everything from organizing logistics, deadlines and write scripts, to making a budget, corresponding with clients and customers and leading the production in a creative direction.
Parker Walbeck music video scene
Parker Walbeck is one of YouTube’s finest with his film making tutorials. His latest video gives us a look at his process for shooting music videos.
Is that person behind the camera a Director of Photography, cinematographer or camera operator? Are they all the same thing? Does the size of the production or cost of the camera make a difference? We decided to go to the source and ask two working DP’s to define what...
What exactly does the film director do? This article aims to answer this question and more, as we explore: The Role of The Director.
Cinematography Techniques
When schedules get tight, video producers need to save as much time as they can. Here are five helpful tips to help you save time on set.
We have a few tip to help you direct theater actors, allowing them to give the best film performance possible
Stage actors are undoubtedly talented, but many are inexperienced with performing in front of a camera. Here’s how you can direct theater actors and get the best performance possible.