What is a logline featured image
If you've ever wondered what a logline is and how professionals use it, look no further than this in-depth guide about loglines.
What is a screenplay featured image
Screenplays are essential to movie-making. They are also necessary for those who want to get their ideas made into films.
Spec script featured image
Spec scripts are different than standard scripts. They can be great tools to start your screenplay writer career and get your movies made.
While screenwriting may appear to be an obscure career, there are many rewarding script writing jobs out there.
Location scout
Location scouts are skilled masters of detail and work hard to make the director’s location wish list become a reality.
Casting director featured art
Casting the wrong people in your film can ruin even the best of scripts. It's up to casting directors to keep this from happening.
How to write a script featured image
Every video production needs some sort of script to ensure production moves smoothly. Here's a guide to help you write your script.
Some consider it tedious work, but pre-production can not only save you money and time. It can also enhance the creative process.
Even the simplest program depends on planning. Production planning, or production logistics, can be so complex that Hollywood production companies devote whole departments to it. It is an essential part of the pre-production process. You can cover the essentials by wrangling just five elements: people, places, things, plans and...
Casting actors and talent is an important part of the pre-production process, and it's something that shouldn't be taken lightly. There are a few places where you shouldn’t try to cut corners, and on-screen talent is one of them. The movie-rating website rottentomatoes.com is filled with beautifully produced movies...