In our News and Technology segment Andrew and Mark usher in International Home Movie Day with a fun camcorder modification, and talk about "My Hero" film festival. Thoughts on the MTV announcement that it is buying Atom Films, DVX mod for 4:4:4 and Bix. Jennifer and Brian continue their tips...
5 Tips for Travelling with your Gear
On business or on vacation, here's how to ensure your gear makes the round trip. Traveling with your best gear can be nerve-racking. Toss in a few young children, a plane trip, a boat ride and tropical shower or two and you've got the makings of a category-four ulcer. You...
News and Technology with Andrew & Mark Canon delivers a one-two punch announcing a new high-definition and a new dual-layer DVD camcorder. JVC and Verbatim are the first out of the gate with new dual-layer DVD-R media. Contour 3D Maya 8 Roundup of all computer manufacturers currently offering a new core 2 Duo workstation. Contest...
News and Technology New Canon camcorders New Kata bags Newspapers with camcorders Sonic Toast 7 adds BD support AMD buys ATI $5.4b RFID chip video Cinescore announces two new volume sets for music creation: $90.00 each. Wedding & Soundscapes Prop: Hot Cakes: New volume for its video collection Tips and Techniques Must-Have Custom grip kit Motherboard's Failsafe Settings option Video...
News and Technology JVC HDV camcorder Blender Open Source Inteli Disc Intel core 2 duo Sony AVCHD Tips and Techniques - Jennifer & Charlie TIP: Do Not Eat Silica - jo TIP: Seperating nuts & bolts when working on computer/gear - cf Video Profile - with: Jennifer & Brian Take 20 Submission: A Bed Time Story Producer: Chris Boland, Cincinnati, OH Viewfinder/Community...
News and Technology - Morgan & Andrew Seagate: new drive technology BenQ's Blu-ray burner Apple completely ditches CRTs—no more eMac Prop: Grass Valley Rev Pro video drive Withoutabox: online distro option Rocketboom: popular podcast looses it's face Short Survey Tips and Techniques - Brian & Andrew TIP: Cleaning camera lens TIP: Using filters Part 1: hard filters Take 20 -...
Tips and Techniques Jennifer: Traveling with your camcorder. Airport security Brian: Using and identifying mics
JO/CF Reader question #1: Tell me more about Vidcasting Reader question #2: How do I submit "Take 20" videos for critique?
Tips and LETTERS - * Reader question: BP: "Why can't I load the Vidcast?" * TIP: JO - Beanbag cam & clothes pins * TIP: BP - Wide angle & macro * BP - Survey ...
Keep it Clean
"Sweet barking cheese!" I said, "this is the filthiest camcorder I've ever seen!" Jennifer may have been a hotshot producer with six Emmys, but she didn't take care of her equipment."Hey, it's a tool," she replied, "it's not a countertop."There were fingerprints all over the lens, dust encrusted in...