

Edit Suite: Continuity Boot Camp

Ever watched a scene in a movie where a man answers a phone with his right hand, and after a cut, suddenly holds it...

Found Sound

Sound effects have immense value in video production. The ability to re-create an "aural environment" after the shooting is done gives videomakers much more...

Sound Track: The Direct Connection

Tapping into an existing audio mixer often results in a clearer audio track. Say your skills at video production have earned you a good reputation...

Personal Video Distribution

Don't forget do-it-yourself distribution as a legitimate way to get your productions seen by others. Uncle Al's Ab Workout, Mike Jones' Kickin' Karate and The...

Blank Tape: What’s New, What’s Old and What You Need

High quality. Extra high quality. High grade. Extra high grade. Super high grade. Premium Grade. Only one item in the videomakers arsenal can claim...

Inside the Tube: A Look at Video Monitor Technology

When was the last time you looked at a video monitor? As a videomaker, you probably use monitors quite often, whether out in the...

On Ramp: Digital Video Discs

Hold on, folks. Another "home movie" format is heading our way. The much-ballyhooed Digital Video Disc (DVD) is on the verge of entering the...

Consumer Video Visionaries

Visionaries? Prophets? Geniuses? Or just people who happened to be in the right place at the right time? Whatever you call them, the pioneers...

Magic Memories: A Guide to Shooting Reunions

Whether you tape them for fun or profit, reunions offer video opportunities second only to weddings. What kinds of reunions? Well, high school and college,...

Edit Points: Picking a Protocol

If you've spent any time looking at editing systems, you may have come across terms like serial data transfer, Control-L, Control-M and ViSCA. They...