Videomaker magazine is holding a contest to give away a free HP laptop to one lucky winner. Enter now for your chance to win. As you may remember from our review, the HP EliteBook 8760w is a top video editing laptop from HP. Videomaker received a copy to play around with, and we've been nothing but impressed with its capabilities. When our own Lance Olinger reviewed this powerful computer, he raved: "This computer has it all and the price tag reflects that. If you can afford it then buy it, you won't be disappointed."
Of course, it doesn't come cheap; this baby retails for at least $5,800. We think this computer is useful enough for videographers and video enthusiasts that we want to give our loyal readers a chance to get their hands on one for a fraction of the price tag. And by fraction, we mean FREE. That's right, Videomaker is holding its first ever HP Laptop Giveaway.
We've test driven this laptop, and we thought about keeping it for ourselves. There was quite a bit of discussion about that, actually. But then we thought we'd give some more deserving folks a chance to use this machine. Not everyone in the Videomaker office is happy about that. In fact, it might be safe to say that NOBODY in the Videomaker office is happy about that, because everyone wants to be the one to take this laptop home. Nevertheless, the spirit of the season (The month before Halloween is the time of generosity!) finally won out, and we agreed that it's you readers, the working videographers, filmmakers and editors, who should really get the benefit of this powerful computer.
Here's the low-down: HP EliteBook 8760w Intel Core i7 2.30GHz 16 GB RAM 256 GB SSD NVIDIA Quadro 5010M 17.3" Display Windows 7 Professional To enter this contest, just click this link and fill out the entry form. There's no entry fee or membership requirement. One lucky winner will find themselves the proud owner of this top-of-the-line laptop absolutely free. This offer is only open to people living in the United States. Good luck to all of you!