There’s a new way to search video clips in Adobe Premiere Pro. PowerSearch is a metadata search tool that uses keywords to find specific clips.
Digital Anarchy last week released PowerSearch for Premiere Pro editors. The company says that the tool “intelligently searches metadata within video clips using keyword searches to find specific instances of spoken words or terms in video clips and sequences.” The tool is also included in Digital Anarchy’s Transcriptive Suite.
A powerful metadata search tool
When PowerSearch is integrated into Premiere Pro it opens as a panel. Editors can then search their entire project for metadata and locate specific clips and sequences based on the keywords they put into the search.
After searching, the search tool compiles the results in a panel window in Premiere. The results can be selected for review. Additionally, timecodes indicating where the word or term appears in the sequence are shown as well.
“PowerSearch provides editors with a fast, accurate and efficient way to locate specific clips within a project, eliminating the slow, tedious and inaccurate process of manually searching through clips or sequences in the timeline and significantly accelerating the post-production workflow,” says Digital Anarchy.
Digital Anarchy recommends using PowerSearch with its Transcriptive Plugin
Transcriptive transcribes all dialog within a Premiere project into text metadata, automatically assigning timecode to every spoken word in the transcript. What PowerSearch does it make those transcripts into searchable content. This also means that editors can search for metadata like date, format, location and many other data points.
Pricing and availability
PowerSearch for Adobe Premiere is available now for $149 for new users. Those with Transcriptive Plugin will only have to pay $69. To learn more, go to Digital Anarchy’s official website.