Could 2019 be the year of a high resolution Canon EOS R?

The EOS R proved to be a capable mirrorless camera. Now rumors suggest a new Canon EOS R model is on the way with a high-resolution sensor.

Canon Watch claims it’s been told on multiple occasion that the EOS R — which is expected to be announced next year — will have a sensor resolution around 50 MP.

Currently, the EOS R is using a 30.3 MP full-frame CMOS sensor, so the new model is supposedly going to get a boost of around 20 MP. The current sensor is already 5 MP larger than that of the Sony a7 III and Nikon Z6. If the camera does end up getting the 50 MP sensor, it’d even best the Z7’s 45.7 MP sensor.

50 MP not 75 MP

Back in October, it was rumored the mirrorless camera would have a resolution beyond 75 MP. However, Canon Watch doesn’t believe a camera like that would be released in the consumer market. “While we agree that the EOS 5Ds series might be ditched for a mirrorless offering, we do not think a resolution beyond 75MP is anything we will see soon on the consumer market,” says Canon Watch.

When is the Canon EOS R going to be announced?

While it’s not set in stone, Canon Watch believes the 50 MP EOS R should be announced early next year — “…during Q1 2019, before Photokina 2019,” Canon Rumor says.

Sean Berry
Sean Berry
Sean Berry is Videomaker's managing editor.

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