The truth is, you don't always need a model release form. The question is, when do you have to cover your assets, and when can you shoot freely? Hopefully, we'll be able to shed some light on some of the confusion. When it comes to video production and the...
Last week, we looked at what fair use ISN'T. So now let's look at what it is. Basically, fair use depends on a few factors, most importantly(1) the amount of material you copy from the original work, (2) your purpose in using that material, (3) the nature of the...
We frequently get questions from video creators about the rules for making use of other creators' work in their own projects. If a piece of art was created so long ago that its copyright has expired and it's since fallen into the public domain, you're free to make use...
Your First Amendment Rights New rulings states you cant get arrested for videotaping police, politicians, and other government officials. Youve read many stories right here in Videomaker and other publications about someone with a camcorder witnessing a confrontation with police and these witnesses holding that camcorder do what anyone...
Despite the economy, wedding planners, caterers, florists and more who are involved with wedding productions are surviving, if not thriving. That is also the case for still and video producers. Along with the opportunity to be part of this profitable business come responsibilities and potential liabilities. This article outlines...
You can shoot video at many locations without needing pricey permits and going through long application processes but how do you know if you are able to film on private or public properties? What rights must you obtain before doing so? Which offices can you turn to in order...
The reward one receives when producing video for the courtroom is both financial and satisfying in the knowledge that you have helped someone who has been wronged to receive some degree of justice due to an incident that has altered their lives for ever.
When we consider the subject of...
You may think that shooting weddings is all about the ceremony, but there is a lot more involved than meets the eye. We will go over the legalities associated with wedding video production to protect yourself and your client before you shoot their big day.
Wireless systems have been around since the 1980s and digital television is here to stay, but the fallout still remains. Countless legacy devices became instantly obsolete in February and June of last year while others are phasing out over time. One device of particular interest to video producers is...
The scenario is simple: background music, either live or recorded, is playing while you are videotaping a scene. Explaining the law in regards to copyright infringement is, unfortunately, not as simple. Essentially, any background sounds protected by copyright that you include in your video, without obtaining permission, could make...