Download your Free Report Screenplay Writing: Story Structure for Video

What do Star Wars and Citizen Kane have in common? On the surface, not much. But underneath, these movies have one important thing in common: They both use the same basic story structure. Don’t see it? How can the life of an eccentric millionaire be anything like a rebel fighter pilot? The truth is that almost every movie uses the same basic structure; it’s so ubiquitous that it’s almost invisible unless you know what to look for. However, it’s the key to making a story interesting.

The best writers know that this basic structure is the way to grab an audience’s attention and keep it. This free report, Screenplay Writing: Story Structure for Video, will help explain the simple little tricks that experienced screenwriters know for effective movie writing. We’ll show you how major movies like Star Wars, The Avengers or Alien put together a story that manages to just feel right. It’s no accident that people look upon these movies with such renown. They’re all known for being engaging films with big budgets and fancy special effects. But that’s hardly the reason that they stick in people’s minds. Hollywood churns out dozens of noisy blockbuster movies every year, but most sink into oblivion almost immediately. What gives these special few such staying power? It has to do with a good story.

Videomaker wants you to have the best information about promoting your video on YouTube, so we’ve put together a free report with everything that you need to know to get the online attention you deserve. We asked screenwriting graduate and storyboard artist Jennifer Albright to compile this helpful guide to story structure for video.

Click to download your free report Screenplay Writing: Story Structure for Video.

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