Visual storytelling is the use of visual, audial, and contextual elements to help create a story through film or video. In this course, we cover everything you need to know about visual storytelling.
Story structure
Storytelling language
- Film Theory explained – A beginner’s guide
- Introduction to visual language (Free to non-members)
- What is a motif? Motif examples from well-known films (Free to non-members)
- How to write subtext: the art of writing between the lines (Free to non-members)
- Using visual elements for storytelling
Story elements
- Camera angles: what are the different types of angles?
- A simple explanation of color theory
- An essential filmmaking concept: Mise en scène
- Sound design: how sound helps tell your visual stories (Free to non-members)
- The best types of lighting for storytelling (Free to non-members)
- Why character development is important for storytelling
- How to format dialogue to help tell your story
Editing techniques