Videomaker Heads to CES 2016

CES 2016 is coming to Las Vegas, Nevada this week and Videomaker can’t wait to see the latest and greatest in video production tech. As the preeminent world appearance of every major, minor and startup company linked to the world of electronics, CES is like Santa has emptied out his bag on the show floor, producing a vast cornucopia of products encompassing just about everything from cameras to drones, audio gear, storage options and all kinds of accessories that do all kinds of things. It’s also the best place for getting a first look at the innovations relevant to our industry that will be making an impact in 2016. 
We’re wearing comfortable shoes, have maps of the convention halls, hotels and hospitality suites, and we aren’t planning to get any sleep or meals because there’s just too much stuff to see!
The Videomaker team will be meeting with all the important video production brands to find out what’s new — Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Nikon, Samsung, GoPro, and JVC among so many others that there’s not enough ink to note them here. We’re looking to be among the very first to see what new technologies have been created to enhance the creative process and make shooting video easier, more efficient and yes, even more fun.
And while the Videomaker team will be constantly on the go, we’ll also be sharing our experience via social media. Stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for comprehensive coverage of all we encounter at the event. 
We’re blabbermouths when it comes to telling what we’ve seen that’s got us excited. Your questions are appreciated! Even if we don’t have time to answer each and every one, we want to know what you're excited about at CES this year — so don’t be shy and don’t forget to use the official CES tag, #ces2016, and tag us using #videomaker or @videomaker!
CES takes place this week, Jan 6-9, 2016, in Las Vegas. For more information about the event, visit
Marshal Rosenthal
Marshal Rosenthal
Marshal Rosenthal is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer and journalist specializing in technology, consumer electronics and pop culture. Past accomplishments include editing of home theater and video gaming publications domestic and international, operating a NY photographic studio specializing in children/product and providing graphic imaging for video game box art, manuals and related.

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