Apple and Windows Reveal New Operating Systems

Video editors are constantly demanding more of their computer’s software. So it’s been interesting to note that in a coincidentally close space of a couple of days, two of the world’s largest software manufacturers released new operating systems. Windows released a sneak preview of their newest operating system, Windows 8, while Apple just released their newest iteration of Mac OS X code named Lion at their WWDC conference today.

Taking a close look at both operating systems, it is clear that the latest trend in Silicon Valley is to make operating systems for PCs that are either similar or downright copies of tablet and phone operating systems. The most visible example is Window’s newest operating system. It has adopted the colorful modern tile look of both its discontinued Zune player and its newest Windows Phone operating systems. Though this hasn’t fared well in the cell phone market (some carriers are calling Windows Phone sales “disappointing”), Windows is hoping it will catch on with PC users. That’s one steep hill to climb, but since Windows will no doubt be looking to avoid the type of drama surrounding the release of Vista, they have all the motivation in the world to get it right the first time.

Similarly, Apple’s announcement of Mac OS X Lion at WWDC 2011 showed that Apple is either trying to kill the mouse or is headed in a similar direction as Windows. Apple introduced integrated multi-touch “gestures” into their latest operating system allowing users to keep windows in full screen without closing them, t0 scroll a webpage quickly, and to keep windows organized all with the use of the computer’s trackpad. Though these are great features, one has to wonder how enticing the software will be for those working on a more traditional style PC like the Mac Pro. Nonetheless, it was interesting to note how similar the presentation for Lion and for Apple’s iOS 5 for the iPhone actually was. There’s no doubt these companies are trying to close the gap between cell phones, tablets, and PCs. The only question is, by joining the software from three very separate devices with three distinct uses, are they sacrificing too much for the PC user to be satisfied? Only time will tell.

Daniel Bruns
Daniel Bruns
Dan Bruns is an award winning cinematographer and editor.

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