Google Docs now with video playback

Making a professional presentation now has one more element to share with Google Docs video playback. Being able to share your video is like having a YouTube channel, but you decide who may view with no other pesky titles. As with other Google Docs, many file types are supported, including WebM, .MPEG4, .MOV, .AVI, .MPEGPS, .WMV and .FLV. The size limit is the same as YouTube at 1GB and Flash is necessary for viewing. Support is not yet available, but common issues are likely the same as with YouTube.

Though video editing is not an option, there are numerous applications for sharing video, such as screening dailies, which are during-production views and critiques of a film crew’s work. More versatility and uncluttered sharing make Google Docs worth a look if you don’t already know its services.

Jackson Wong
Jackson Wong
Jackson is a fan of Star Wars, sports, foley, and games of all kinds.

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