This just in from VideoJug: Roseanne Barr, the notorious TV mom of the hit show Rosanne is's latest Ask the Expert talent. Roseanne will be sharing her candid views on life and the top news stories of the day. We can't help but wonder if Roseanne, who's also announcing her Presidential bid, is aiming for a seat on The View. Something tells us that Barbara Walters won't have it. But, that's all irrelevant anyhow. What we really want to tell you is that VideoJug is helping you ring in 2008 with a How-To video contest. What can be better way of kicking off the year than a healthy bit of competition. Whats at stake? Well, beside risking your reputation, contestants are asked to submit a How-To video to on a subject matching any of their categories; Health, Education, Fitness and Love are some of the popular ones. Videos must be 100 MB or smaller and 5-minutes or less. The important thing to remember is to upload it as soon as possible, because the leading 3 videos of each category (there are 20 categories) starting January 1st and ending the 31st will win a cash prize. The awards range from $500 for 3rd place finishers to $2000 for the most popular of the category. To find out more and upload your How-To video go to While you're there, tell Roseanne hello for us. For a list of more contests please visit our Video Contests page