Apple has released the latest version of Final Cut Express 4 today. The last major update came in May of 2006 when the added support for Intel-based Macs. This latest update adds support for AVCHD camcorders and also supports the open format timeline allowing editors to mix up different HD formats in one project. Final Cut Express 4 is definitely making inroads to more advance editing for consumers with an $199 price tag (or $99 upgrade). Moreover, you can take your iMovie '08 projects and import them into Final Cut Express 4. How do you like them apples? Of course, we'll be anxiously awaiting our review copy of Final Cut Express 4 and will let you know how that goes. Take a looksie at the screen grab below. [image:blog_post:14093] Final Cut Express 4 does not look all too unfamiliar to Final Cut Pro. But, those who will be migrating from iMovie '08 may feel like they landed on another planet. The latest update of iMovie '08 introduced casual editors to a completely new interface. It may have been too much too soon for many of iMovie's users. How one moves from iMovie '08 to Final Cut Express 4 may end up being another interesting story. We'll have to wait and see what happens.