Reprinted from an Xformx press release:
Imagine being able to share the videos from your new digital camcorder simply by storing them in your home PC and inviting family and friends to watch them over the Internet. Or how about storing digital photos in your PC, and inviting Aunt Milliewho lives 2,000 miles away–to see them as a slide show on her computer screen? And what if you could listen to music stored on your home PC when you’re away from home? How cool would it be to connect to your home computer from anywhere on the Internet and privately listen to your songs in rich CD-quality sound?
It’s all possible thanks to a new software product called Vibe Internet Media Pad.
Vibe is the first software product to seamlessly integrate the power of today’s home computers to process and store large digital media files with the ability of high-speed Internet services to provide rapid, high-quality delivery of this content directly to other computers. When installed on a home PC, equipped with Windows 2000 or XP and a high speed Internet connection, Vibe enables the PC to function as a private Internet Media host. In effect, it allows the owner of that PC to select photo, video and music files and make them directly addressable over the Internet so they can be viewed or listened to through the web browser of a remote computer.
Drag, Drop, Done
The process of making photos videos and music files Internet-accessible is as simple as dragging and dropping them into a Vibe media folder. Vibe automatically creates three of these folders–one each for pictures, home videos, and music– during the initial installation of the software. Because these folders are directly addressable through a remote computer’s web browser, the files in them can be accessed and shared without posting them to a website, attaching them to emails, uploading them to a public file sharing service, or transferring them using FTP.
Vibe provides two ways to enjoy your digital media files over the Internet. As the Vibe owner you can get to your Vibe through any web browser by entering its URL in the address line. Vibe streamlines the process by providing users with their own unique Internet address in the form of (your name) Once connected, Vibe will request a user name and password before allowing you access to your Vibe media files.
Vibe also makes it easy for you to invite others to see your photos and watch your videos. Vibe creates private invitation emails that include an encoded link that points the recipients web browsers directly to the file or files you wish to share with them. Only the files you select can be viewed on their computers. All other information on your computer is invisible and cannot be accessed in any way.
Software That Looks Like Hardware
To make interacting with Vibe as easy a possible, it is designed to look and operate like a physical device. When you login to your Vibe or a guest clicks on the link in their email invitation, what looks like a futuristic PDA appears in the remote computer’s web browser. It has a central screen area that can display a thumbnail photo album, a photo slide show, or play lists of video and music titles. It also features a prominent Play button. Depending on what’s displayed in the screen area, clicking on this button will either start a slide show or play all the video or music files being displayed.
Sharing Without Copying
Unlike peer-to-peer file sharing, in which copies of your files are downloaded to the receiving computer, Vibe allows your music to be heard and your photos and videos to be viewed without leaving reproducible copies. When sharing photos, Vibe presents compact versions of your photos optimized for viewing on a computer screen. Vibe gives you the option of allowing your guests to download copies of the original high-resolution images. Without your permission, however, the photos can only be viewed, not copied. Similarly, when sharing your videos, or listening to your music from a remote computer Vibe uses a streaming technique that does not leave reproducible copies of these files.
System Requirements
To run Vibe software on a home PC, it must be equipped with Windows 2000 or XP, a recent version of Internet Explorer (4.1 and later) and a high-speed Internet connection (DSL or broadband cable). To view photos on a remote computer (which can be either a PC or a Mac), it will simply need a recent version of the Internet Explorer or Netscape web browser and at least a dial up Internet connection.
To view videos and listen to music, the remote computer must also be equipped with the Windows Media Player and have a high-speed Internet connection. Videos can be viewed on Macintosh computers equipped with Windows Media Player for Mac, which is available as a free download from
Pricing and Availability
Vibe is available for sale at It can be downloaded and tried free of charge for 14 days. The software can be purchased for $99 or licensed as an annual subscription for $39.95 per year.