Reprinted from a FLASHANTS press release:
Taipei, Taiwan—-August 26, 2002—-FLASHANTS Inc., a leading software developer of rich media applications and utilities, announces the release of the breakthrough SWF2Video Plug-in for Adobe Premiere, an importer plug-in that enables users to directly import Macromedia Flash files(*.swf) into Premiere. With this powerful plug-in, users can directly import SWF files into Premiere projects, edit and composite the swf clips in Premiere just as any other video clips, then export to any file formats in any dimension that Premiere supports. This plug-in support movie clips and actionscripts in flash files. And it support alpha channel so user can easily compose SWF files with other video/image files or clips in Adobe Premiere. This product greatly benefits all Primiere designers by bring in all the richness and excitement of Flash contents into video world.
Main features in the Premiere Plug-in includes:
Import Flash SWF files into Adobe Premiere directly.
Support alpha channel, you can compose SWF files with other video/image files or clips.
Support any dimension that Premiere supports
Support two render sequence modes: ‘Frame by frame’ and ‘Normal’.
Support movie clips and action scripts in SWF files.
Support “Maximun length” option, the SWF clips can be stretched to any length in Premiere timeline.
Support “Keep original SWF aspect ratio” option.
Support compressed SWF movies.
Support Flash 4/ Flash 5/ Flash MX.
Very easy to use. Embed and fully control native video in FLASH.