Sports video is more popular than ever. And why not? Today's easy-to-use camcorders make sports video a breeze for many parents. But sports video goes far beyond the proud parent syndrome. Football, hockey, basketball, tennis or's technology gives sports enthusiasts of all kinds the chance to record the...
They're More Important Than You Think Walk into any Radio Shack and wander through the sections for audio and video cables and connectors. Thousands of choices confront you. What do you need? What should you buy? How should you buy it. Why should you care. After all, a cable's a cable, right?...
Makeup and Clothing Tips For Video Bright lights glaring, camera in tight, tape rolling... cue talent Oops...what's that glare where your subject should be? This is no time to realize the talent's forehead reflects light like a beacon, or the color of the talent's clothing clashes with this upholstery. Makeup and...
Modern still cameras are so easy to use that you can snap a pin-sharp, correctly exposed photograph even with a bag over your head. We should all be grateful for modern automatic controls; the less there is to worry over the more we can concentrate on framing. But trouble arises...
A Baker's Ten to Improve Your Special Effects Most videomakers fall into one of two groups. First, the snapshotters, people who record scenes until their tapes are hill, then view the disconnected events using the search button. Second, videomakers and pros, who edit their tapes and employ all the techniques...
There are few problems in videomaking life that cannot be solved by a suitable application of explosives. Explosions can add drama, excitement, impact and humor to productions. A good bang can sustain or resolve suspense. And nothing makes a visual statement quite like blowing some object to smithereens.Apple Scrap I once...
Scenery and staging for economical videomaking, impressive results. When we watch a TV program or film we have an impression of total reality. We seem to be there where the action is, seeing everything as it's happening. We don't give a single thought to the mechanics of the...
Have camcorder sales increased since the film sex, lies and videotape became last season's sleeper smash hit? Or hove a significant number of video buffs been writing and taping own X-rated videos for years and keeping quiet about it? Participating with a current partner in a favorite pastime, privately, in...
The same story given to these master directors would be filmed in a different and quite distinctive way by each. "Little Red Riding Hood" directed by Alfred Hitchcock would be very different from the same story directed by John Ford. (Just imagine what Steven Spielberg would do with it!) If you're...