Lighting for Video, iMovie, Premiere 5

Lighting for Video
Gerald Millerson (1998, Focal Press,, 154pp., $28)

Trying to get the correct lighting in your videos? Videographers of all levels struggle with perfecting lighting techniques. Gerald Millerson’s Lighting for Video could be the perfect solution for all of your lighting problems.

Lighting for Video demonstrates a variety of techniques from how to position lights to choosing different lighting for varying conditions. The book also explains other aspects of lighting like color temperature and the difference between hard and soft lights. Controlling shadows, multi-level stage lighting and lighting in confined spaces are just a few more examples of Lighting for Video’s in-depth overview.

With detailed explanations and numerous, easy-to-follow diagrams, Lighting for Video clearly explains some of the more difficult aspects of lighting. This book is a must for every serious videographer’s bookshelf.


The Missing Manual
David Pogue (2000, Pogue Press,, 355pp., $20)

If you’re tired of trying to figure out how to use iMovie, Apple’s beginner-friendly editing software for Macintosh, check out iMovie: The Missing Manual, written by David Pogue.

The Missing Manual covers everything from how to hook up the FireWire cable from your iMac to your camcorder, to tips for adding transitions and special effects. Pogue discusses how to make titles look more professional and he offers a number of resources and examples to help you create better videos. He even touches on some basic shooting techniques.

This step-by-step manual is a great resource for the new editor using iMovie editing software for Macintosh. Pogue claims this is "the book that should have been in the box," and we agree. Anyone who wants to figure out the software program without learning by trial and error will benefit from this manual.

Premiere 5

Tutorial – Vol. 1 CD ROM

ADITA Video Inc. (1999, ADITA Video Inc.,, $50)

Attention all beginning-to-intermediate Adobe Premiere 5 users! Help is here for all of you having trouble mastering Premiere 5. ADITA Video has produced a useful and easy-to-use tutorial on CD-ROM. It focuses almost entirely on beginning applications and basic step-by-step instruction to working with the interface. Experienced Premiere 5 users will not find much value in this CD Rom.

If you need hand-held instruction, this tutorial is perfect for getting your feet wet with Premiere. There are seven tutorials included on the CD-ROM and each one explains everything from how to import video to much more advanced functions like adding keyframes and titles.

Premiere 5 Tutorial is essential for anyone getting started with Adobe Premiere 5. If you are looking to save time and perfect the basics, this tutorial may be a great asset to you.
The Videomaker Editors are dedicated to bringing you the information you need to produce and share better video.

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