Keep it up! Very Happy
I have to say, that article in the February 2005 issue of Videomaker, "11 Steps to Add Some Spice", has gotta be the best article I've ever read. Now, while I myself have already known all that stuff about editing and such, I think it's great that it was published to help people who didn't know it. A word to the wise – do what that article says, and you'll have a good advantage in the filmmaking community.
ALSO, note the last page (Jargon), look at "Whip Pan," read what it says. Yes, that's how it's done. I did about 4-5 of those in my last movie (Armed Conflict), and I'm so glad [the editors] put that in there. They should put a whole article about flashy transitions that are non-conventional (like using whip pans and scenery with alpha channels to transition).
KEEP IT UP!!! Very Happy.
Jeremy Krakowski,
South East Michigan
Jeremy: Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us that you liked the article. Kyle Cassidy knows his stuff and we value him as one of our regular writers. Great idea about doing an article on in-camera transitions. Maybe a piece like that would get editors away from the star-wipes and checker dissolves. Keep an eye out for it. Happy shooting and cutting.
–The Editors
Check Your Head
These are my comments on the article entitled "Audio Isolation," the Videomaker January 2005 Sound Advice column.
I found the column useful. I own headphones that I purchased for just such a purpose. I now resolve to always (try to) keep them on. I've already caught myself with the mic off a couple of times. Usually I take them off after a little sound check but I'll try keeping them on or give them to someone else who can if possible. The author gave a lot of good examples of why they're valuable tools.
The sidebar about not using them for editing makes a lot of sense and is very useful.
The one thing I thought could have been added would have been to say the make and model that the author uses or recommends. I think someone who doesn't have a pair would find that useful.
Chicago, IL
Thanks for the comments. The manufacturer's listing that accompanies the article on page 70 of the January 2005 issue should give you a good start when it comes time to select a pair of headphones for shooting. In general, you should stay away from the smaller designs intended for college students' iPods, and stick to the more professional models, which are usually called monitor headphones or DJ headphones or something similar. Sony's MDR-V250V ($30), Panasonic's RP-DJ100 ($30) and Yamaha's RH3 ($45) headphones are all good examples of solid, rugged, popular performers in this category, but many others exist, so don't hesitate to shop around.
–The Editors
DV Camcorder vs. Dedicated Decks
In response to the person who asked if it's a good idea to use a camcorder in place of a dedicated deck, I can only offer that I've been using a Sony TRV-8 one-chip camcorder as my DV deck for over five years and have never had a single problem (knock on circuit boards). Yes, the dedicated decks are more robust and may offer more post production features, but I save the life of my camcorder by rewinding tapes in an inexpensive dedicated tape rewinder (also fast forwards) and purchased an extended warranty which covers any malfunctions. The cost of these two items on top of the cost of the camera still makes it far cheaper than buying a deck and I have the added advantage that the flip out screen acts as a preview monitor and I've got an extra camera when I need it.
Dan Coplan
Los Angeles, CA