Thanks for your interest in writing for Videomaker!
Video is one of the most powerful tools humanity has to communicate and share ideas. Videomaker has believed this from the day we published our first issue back in 1986. We picture a world where people use video cameras as regularly as they use ink pens, keyboards, cameras, email, texts, printers and blogs to communicate thoughts, ideas and concepts.
To this end, Videomaker supports people making video in a way that inspires, encourages and equips for success.
Content and Tone
The editorial tone of Videomaker is one of accessibility, enthusiasm and support for video producers at all levels. It is one of encouragement towards the beginner. Videomaker is never elitist or condescending, and is always aimed at the grassroots videographer. Thus, Videomaker encourages writers to use a conversational, reader-friendly writing style. All articles, no matter how technically complicated, should be accessible to the beginning videographer. We make an effort to explain all technical concepts in lay language and avoid the use of jargon.
The best guide to Videomaker's style is or a current issue of the magazine. For style consistency, Videomaker editors refer to the Associated Press Stylebook. For more information, visit
Becoming aVideomaker Writer
Videomaker is always in need of writers who have experience in video production. We ask that all potential writers provide the following as evidence of sufficient knowledge in the fields of filmmaking and videography:
- A resume or CV
- 1-3 links to previously published writing, personal blog or other writing sample
- 1-3 links to recent video work or a demo reel
We encourage previously unpublished authors to inquire, but please provide writing samples that demonstrate expertise in video production.
If you are interested in learning more or becoming a Videomaker writer, please email us at
Videomaker welcomes freelance queries for columns, opinion and feature articles. To make sure your topic is a good fit for our readership, please take time to read several recent Videomaker articles before submitting.
We look for unique stories relating to video production that can serve as a learning resource for our audience. How-to articles, educational interviews with professional videographers and filmmakers, commentary on industry developments and articles exploring a particular technique or trend are all encouraged. We do not assign product reviews to freelancers. With some rare exceptions, reviews are conducted in-house by Videomaker’s Multimedia Editor.
Before submitting, consider which format best fits your article idea:
- Conceptual Training Article (~800 words): Short article describing an abstract concept. e.g., rule of odds.
- Practical Training Article (<800 words): Short article describing a step-by-step technique. e.g., three-point lighting. Words can be substituted with photographs, a la
- Feature Article (2500+ words): Long-form, investigative content that is truly unique. If another site has told the same story, we don’t want it.
- Opinion (~500 words): Sound off on a topic. The more polarizing the better.
In addition to a brief description and/or outline of your proposed article, please also include your resume and links to any previously published written or video work. Keep queries as brief as possible and do not submit completed manuscripts without contacting us first.
Submit all queries via email to Please do not call with regard to an article query.
Rights and Compensation
If we buy your manuscript, it will become the property of Videomaker with all rights reserved. With rare exceptions, Videomaker will not accept copy published or submitted for publication elsewhere. In some cases, we accept writing into our Medium publication following separate policies and procedures. To learn more, visit
Payment for manuscripts occurs upon publication. The amount depends on a work's uniqueness, timeliness, research requirements and length, as well as the amount of editorial preparation it requires. Writers of accepted submissions will receive contracts outlining publication terms and payment procedures.
For more information, vist or email