AJA has announced the Ki Pro Ultra Recorder and Player. It has the capability to record Apple ProRes digital video at five quality levels including ProRes 444, with resolutions of up to 4096 x 2160 (4K) at 60 fps.
Created with broadcasters in mind, the Ki Pro Ultra has four 3G-SDI inputs/outputs, a dual-channel fiber in/out, HDMI 2.0 in/out and a ref loop and timecode in/out. Audio consists of an eight-channel analog and AES/EBU audio in/out and RCA stereo in/out. Besides dual 12V-18V inputs for redundant power and a LAN port for web interface control, there is an RS-422 port and a SDI monitor port for outputting down-converted HD.
The chassis includes a built-in handle for ease of carrying (being 5.8 lb. weight) and is half-rack wide. This enables it to be mounted side-by-side with a second unit through a rack mounting shelf accessory ($79 retail).
Controls consist of dedicated buttons, a volume control for audio monitoring (w/a headphone jack), transport controls, and a rotary selection knob. A 4.8 color HD LCD screen is seated in the middle.
The Ki Pro Ultra provides for storage with two Pak SSD slots. This translates into a maximum 2 TB of Pak1000 media recordings (the 1 TB Pak1000 media supports ProRes 422 HQ recordings at up to 4K/60p) or 13 hours of HD. Recordings can be continuous since a second Pak drive can take over for the first upon its being filled up automatically, with drives also being hot-swappable for manual replacement during recordings, utilizing a Slot button for switching between Pak drives.
The retail for Pak1000 media is $1,495, with Pak512 at $1,295 and Pak256 at $695. There is also a Pak Dock retailing for $395.
The Ki Pro Ultra Recorder and Player is available now and retails at $3,995.