SmallHD Releases Canon 5D MKIII Port Protector

SmallHD, makers of high definition field monitors and small camera accessories, has released the Canon 5D MKIII Port Protector, a lightweight device designed to hold cables securely and defer tugs and pulls away from the delicate external ports on the side of the Canon 5D Mark III.

Building on their lineup of small mounts, cables, and adapters, the Canon 5D MKIII Port Protector streamlines the look and functionality of their existing 5D MKII Port Protector, not only protecting the Mini-HDMI port on the side of the camera, but now also protecting the USB port. Designed with field monitor use in mind, the Canon 5D MKIII Port Protector holds either a Canon or SmallHD HDMI cable and USB cable firmly in place to avoid loss of signal to a monitor.

The form fitting nature of the Canon 5D MKIII Port Protector allows full access to the bottom of the camera, as long as there is no battery grip, without the need for a baseplate or other mounting accessories. The device grips the bottom edge and port side of the 5D MKIII and runs a small threaded thumbscrew through the camera’s strap hookup. This design allows the 5D MKIII Port Protector to take the brunt of any impact or tug without allowing the energy to pass through to the camera, and it does it without using the threaded tripod mount on the bottom of the camera.[image:blog_post:49361]

The manufacturer website has videos showing Canon 5D Mark III cameras in a few precarious positions. While the device has been thoroughly drop tested, playing yo-yo with a 5D still isn’t recommended.

Russ Fairley
Russ Fairley
Russ Fairley is a producer, editor and motion graphic designer. He also writes for Videomaker and several other publications.

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