NAB 2014: Sony Alpha 7S Senses a Presence I’ve Not Felt Since…

You sense something about the Alpha 7S. 

Full-frame cameras simply help video look great. Sony decided to take their Alpha 7 and reload the image sensor, this time with more sensitivity, capability for 4K video and less noise. That said, even though among many a camera, we've had a chance to look at the Alpha 7, we can't help but join the excitement when it comes to this nicely sized camera. According to Sony, the entire width of the camera's image sensor is being utilized, so while some lenses result in a crop factor because their image doesn't match up to the image sensor, the Alpha 7S should allow for more coverage. We may see a reduction in pixel density, but, all the more reason we're looking forward to hands-on tests.


The 35mm Exmor CMOS image sensor and BIONZ X image processor enable the ISO to be upped to 409,000. Even if the noise gets bad at the max, we've got to imagine that at more common maximums like 12800, the ISO noise will be negligible. In case your looking for clear colors and anyone doing green screen should take special attention, the Alpha 7S will capture uncompressed 4:2:2 color sampling. Recording can be done at the high data rate of 50MB/s and in Sony's XAVC S.

The image sensor at the heart of a camera. Much of the camera without the 'S' will feel the same, and in this case an exterior sign, Alpha 7S is indication of an interior change. It will ship in June so your patience will be rewarded.


Jackson Wong
Jackson Wong
Jackson is a fan of Star Wars, sports, foley, and games of all kinds.

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