The Dactylcam Go Rig wins the Best Action Camera Support of NAB 2014 Award.
Prehistoric? Hardly, the Go Rig is for those young at heart, hobbyists, athletes, and enthusiasts. To fully explain what this rig does it'll take some physical description, it's an aluminum sled for action cameras that requires some 1/8-inch or 1/4-inch line, the Amsteel Blue non-stretch kind is preferred. It can carry 3lb. and is driven by a remote control. The multiple small POV camera are not going to be the issue, the bigger question is what will you attache the cables for the sled to? Accessories can be attached to the Go Rig sled as well as a more powerful battery. The transmitter controls forward and back motion with a 4-Channel 2.4GHz Dual Band receiver. The kit includes a pretty modest amount of items and should make jumping into cable-run cameras simple. At $990 the Go Rig certainly stands as an investment, but the fun on productions is definitely going to ramp up, just remember to set up a way to monitor your camera before sending the sled along.