OK, so week 2 was pretty slow. Was the challenge too hard? Did it require too much time? Was it just plain lame? No matter, week 3 should be a little easier to jump in to.
Week 3: Give Us Your Best Shot
Every videographer has that one shot that they're just ultra proud of. Looking back on my years (and years) of shooting, there are half a dozen shots that stick out in my mind as really spectacular. I think we all have shots like that. The composition is great, there's depth, stark contrast, and vibrant color. Sometimes it's skill and sometimes it's luck, but no matter how you've achieved it, it just feels great to be able to put your name on it.
This week, we want you to send us a video of your best shot. If not your best, at least your favorite. But that's not all! You have to tell us why you're so proud of how it turned out.
We can't wait to see what you have!
How to Submit a Video:
It's a simple, two-step process.
1. Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo.
2. Post your submission in a Videomaker Forum Topic here.
3. Don't forget to tell us why you like your shot.
Get To It!
The last day to submit your video is October 26th. We're still giving away 3-month subscriptions to every participant, so let's see what you've got!
UPDATE 10/22: Some people are reporting that videos aren't apearing in the forum thread. This is normal. Submissions are hidden until our editors have a chance to review them.
[Image courtesy of BigStock.com]