Webinar Wednesday: Learn to Cut Great Video with Basic Editing

Have you decided to start editing video, but dont know where to begin? The Videomaker Basic Editing Webinar is aimed at answering your hardware and software questions, as well as providing information on how to use pacing, transitions, motivated edits, and more in order to start editing great videos. By learning the techniques and information taught in our Basic Editing Webinar, youll be well on your way to creating the videos you want to present. Following the webinar, all registrants will receive a copy of a special report. In addition to valuable information and the free special report, Time Control, our Basic Editing Webinar will also include live Q&A; our team answeringyour questions.

Videomakers Basic Editing Webinar starts at 11:00 AM (PDT) on Wednesday, May 2, so be sure to sign up soon! Not interested in an introduction to editing? Videomakers biweekly Webinar Training Series is taught by our experts and features a wide variety of video production and post production topics including Intermediate Editing, Green Screen and Special Effects, Titles and Graphics and more.

Jackson Wong
Jackson Wong
Jackson is a fan of Star Wars, sports, foley, and games of all kinds.

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