Total Training releases 24hr DVD for Studio 8

from a Total Training press release

Carlsbad, CA, March 30, 2006 Total Training Inc., a pioneer in engaging and innovative video-based training, today

announced a new series of instructional DVD-ROM series for learning Studio 8 web design software programs. The bundle

includes a 10-hour video series on Dreamweaver, a 24-hour video series on Flash, as well as brand new tutorials on how to

give a web site an extreme makeover.


  • Learn how to design and develop complex web sites using state-of-the art tools.
  • Lessons feature how to efficiently layout, develop, and maintain standards-based web sites that can be delivered to

    HTML, DHTML, CSS, Javascript, and Flash.

  • Discover how to leverage the capabilities of leading web design applications: Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks,

    Dreamweaver, Flash, and Contribute.

  • About the Presenters

    Janine Warner, best-selling author of Dreamweaver For Dummies, teams up with John Ulliman, an authorized instructor for

    Studio 8 products and principal of his own project development company. Together they teach you how to create the ultimate

    web experience using state-of-the art tools.

    Pricing and Availability

    Total Training for Studio 8 Bundle is available now for $499.99 USD. The target audience is beginner to advanced Studio 8

    software users. The bundle includes seven DVD-ROMs with over 43 hours of lessons. Project files are also included to practice

    along with the instructor.

    For more information, visit or call 1-888-368-6825.

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