Videometry Inc. Announces New Line of Stock Video Footage

Reprinted from a RealNetworks press release:

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. March 12, 2002 Videometry, Inc., digital content producers and creators of Imagery + Motion X Digital brand of royalty-free stock footage, announce the creation off a new line of royalty free stock footage titles called the Videometry Motion Backgrounds series . The first of the new royalty free digital stock footage titles are Motion Backgrounds Volume 1 Digital Mix 1; Motion Backgrounds Volume 2 Digital Mix 2; Motion Backgrounds Volume 3 Kaleidoscopes; and Motion Backgrounds Volume 4 Sliders.

The Videometry Motion Background series was created with After Effects in Final Cut Pro then exported and rendered using the PhotoJPEG codec as a QuickTime movie file. The series will initally total 12 volumes with the first 4 titles available as of April 1, 2002. Each title will consist of a two-CD set with a total of 30 images. Each image is 8 seconds long and is seamlessly loopable.

With a price point of only $249 for each 30-clip title, Videometry’s new Motion Backgrounds will save both time and money while adding creativity to any production.

The first set of titles will be available for preview beginning March 18, 2002 with the titles available for purchase beginning April 1, 2002. Members can preview and pre-order at a discount. Check out the Videometry web site for more details. Look for the next set of titles to become previewable in April for a May release.

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