U.S. Videographers Offer 9/11 Tribute Videos

Reprinted from an MacroSystem US press release:

(Boulder, Colo., September 27, 2001)–Hundreds of videographers–the people who film weddings, bar mitzvahs and corporate meetings-have offered to create memorial videos honoring victims of the recent terrorist strikes at no charge as part of a program being coordinated by MacroSystem US, a Boulder, Colo.-based manufacturer of video editing systems.

“In the wake of the September 11 tragedy, we struggled to find some way for us to use our resources to contribute to families of the victims,” said MacroSystem US president David Slone, “We had received inquiries from owners of our systems and posted the idea on our email service,” he said. “The response was immediate and overwhelming.”

In the first hour the company received 54 positive responses. Within days, more than 600 videographers had signed up. Video producers from Maine to Hawaii, plus the United Kingdom and Canada, from professionals to school video labs to home users, have offered their services. Mark Hall, video instructor at Butte College in Oroville, Cal, said “My 25 production students are anxious to help in any way they can…. Send as many as you need.”

“Many of the families that lost loved ones will be searching for meaningful ways to remember them,” Slone said. “We know that making memorial videos from photographs is a wonderful way to do this.”

The company is listing the names of participating videographers on its web site, www.casablanca.tv, for families of victims to select from. The family provides still photographs, usually in chronological order, and perhaps some favorite songs or other music to complement the images. The videographer films them in order, each image lasting a few seconds before it transitions to the next. Fades, dissolves and titles are usually part of the production as well. Guidelines for both families and producers are posted on the MacroSystem web site.

A sign-up form is posted on the MacroSystem web site, or families and videographers may contact the company via email addressed to david@casablanca.tv. Information from videographers will include their name, company name, city, state and email address. Additional information may include phone and up to 25 words of comments.

Videographers will be expected to include up to 25 images and at least one audio track in their productions, although all projects will be entirely up to the two parties. While MacroSystem US cannot accept responsibility for the quality of productions, nor for safe handling and return of materials, it notes those videographers who have registered with the company as Casablanca owners, to provide some level of assurance. The program is not limited to Casablanca owners.

For more information, visit www.casablanca.tv, or call 877.554.2846.

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