by Alan Sheckter, Videomaker news editor
Apple Computer announced July 3 that it would stop making its Power Mac G4 Cube, less than a year after it was introduced.
Despite winning design awards, poor Cube sales was blamed for the decision, after sales dropped from 9.5 percent of Apple’s computer sales last September to only 1.6 percent of its sales in March. The Cupertino, Calif. Company has no immediate plans of upgrading the Cube.
The 8-inch, clear-plastic Cube is pre-installed with videographer-friendly features such as iMovie 2 digital video-editing software, and two FireWire ports for easy digital camcorder connections.
And just 4 months ago, Apple further equipped the Cube with a CD-RW drive and iTunes jukebox software.
It’s been reported that customers have been more apt to spend a little more and buy the Power Mac G4 minitower, according to an Apple spokeswoman.