StageTools Announces MovingPicture Plug-In for Adobe Premiere

Middleburg, VA June 15, 2000) — StageTools announced it is offering its
highly acclaimed MovingPicture pan and zoom application as a Plug-In for
Adobe Premiere and other nonlinear editors.

MovingPicture is a new tool for documentary and industrial filmmakers to pan
and zoom on high-resolution images. Rather than using expensive and bulky
motion-control rigs to create pans and zooms on stills, MovingPicture uses
digital images on a desktop PC. This is done directly from the timeline of
the nonlinear editor.

MovingPicture uses an animation-stand metaphor, where a virtual camera
viewfinder is positioned over the digital image in real time. A series of
“key frames” can be set, each one specifying what the camera will see at
some point in time. The program will smoothly flow from one key frame to the
next in real time.

Four-time Academy award-winning film maker Charles Guggenheim said
“MovingPicture promises to be one of the most valuable tools created in
recent years for the documentary film maker.” It is being widely used by
production companies such as MS-NBC, Jim Henson Productions, and Henninger

MovingPicture is made by StageTools, a company dedicated to providing high
productivity design tools to the professional creative community, including
OnStage!, a previsualization tool designed for motion picture and video
producers to help visualize scenes before they are shot. The standalone
version of MovingPicture uses OpenGL to perform moves in real time directly
to tape.

The Videomaker Editors are dedicated to bringing you the information you need to produce and share better video.

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