- News and Technology – Morgan & Andrew
- New York Times Internet video blog
- Warner Bros., Google, AOL all doing Internet video
- ShopWiki paying for video reviews of product
- BitTorrent sponsoring distribution for Duke City Shootout festival
- CineGear in LA with Charlie
- edible camera
- Memorex Blank Blu-ray media + state of Blu-ray burners
- Product Prop: Memorex: “Gold Archiving CDs”, “Lightscribe” CDs, and.. drum roll please… 1 “Blu-Ray DVD.”
- Tips and Techniques – Jennifer & Morgan
Reader Question: How do I shoot a 2-hour multicam dance performance?
TIP: Shooting fireworks - Take 20 – with: Brian & Charlie
Reader’s/viewer’s videos
Submission #8 “Matt’s Lemonade”
Producer: George Miller of York, Pennsylvania - Viewfinder – Brian interviews: Matt York on 20 years in video making, (part 2)