YouTube is testing profile cards to show comment histories

YouTube’s Creator Insider channel recently revealed YouTube is planning to integrate profile cards into the platform to show comment histories.

These new profile cards will appear when you click on a commenter’s name. After clicking, you’ll be able to see all their recent comments on the channel. Right now, when you click on a commenter’s name, you are directed to their YouTube channel page. Pages don’t give users or creators much information about the person in question, who may be trying to troll.

Video courtesy: Creator Insider

You can see comment history from the past12 months

The profile cards will allow you to see all of the recent comments left on the channel over the past 12 months. To be clear, these comments will be just for the channel in question. You will not see all of the user’ss comments made all over YouTube. Additionally, it’s not a full user profile either. To make a comparison, the cards will be more like what’s on Reddit. There, users can access full comment history for other users.

“It will help you get a sense of what this person is writing,” YouTube Director of Product Management Tom Leung says. “We hope that it will strengthen connections with others in the YouTube community and will help creators recognize some of their best commenters.”

Better moderation for creators with profile cards

It appears this feature will help creators better moderate their comment section. Creators will be able to pick out commenters who often troll, obstruct conversations, and cause problems for the comment section. Creators and moderators can see the history of every commenter and can better decide what actions they should take. They can choose to hide future posts from the commenter in question.

On the flip side, users that are deemed trustworthy enough will land on the “approved users” list and will have their comments posted automatically.

YouTube is still testing profile cards

Currently, YouTube is still testing the feature. It has been rolled out to a few community members and has reportedly been well-received. YouTube didn’t disclose the scope of the experiment, however.

Image courtesy: Raconteur

Sean Berry
Sean Berry
Sean Berry is Videomaker's managing editor.

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