DaVinci Resolve 16 will tell you if your video is boring

Editor's Choice Award

Update: The DaVinci Resolve 16 has been selected as Videomaker’s Best Professional Editing Software. See the rest of our recommendations.

Blackmagic’s DaVinci new Resolve 16 is an all-in-one software. It combines 8K editing, color correction, visual effects and audio post production all in one software.

The Resolve 16 adds new tools for sorting and previewing media assets, a new cut clip tool and multiple improvements to the editing, color, Fusion and Fairlight audio pages in the app. Also new is a Boring Detector tool that identifies sections of your timeline where clips are running to long or clipped too short, and a close up edit mode that takes advantage of high-resolution footage and face-detection technology to automatically reframe wide-angle footage into pleasing closeup shots.

Blackmagic Design’s stated goal with these updates is to make DaVinci Resolve “the world’s fastest editor.”

“We are excited about this update as it has more new features that bring a totally new way to solve complex editing problems,” said Grant Petty, Blackmagic Design CEO. “These new features have never been done before and we are trying new ideas that we have developed in collaboration with our customers. It’s very exciting to be doing things that are totally new and never been tried before!”

Better access to source footage

First up, updates to the bin now allow for more flexible use of the source tape, sync bin and sync window. With this update, the source tape now automatically reconfigures to show only footage in the current folder level and below.

In another improvement to usability, a new Smart Indicator helps editors better predict how DaVinci Resolve applies the smart features introduced to the cut page in DaVinci Resolve 16.

The sync bin aims to simplify multi-cam production

Building on the updates to the bin, Resolve 16 adds a new sync bin. Blackmagic Design says this new tool, “completely changes how multi-camera editing can be completed.”

Once clips are placed in the sync bin, the footage will be automatically synced and stacked based on camera number. From there, editors can simply scroll along the timeline and the sync bin displays relevant shots. It does this all while maintaining synchronization.

The sync bin defaults to using time-of-day time code to sync clips, but the sync window gives users the option to sync based on audio or to sync clips manually.

DaVinci Resolve 16 will let you know if your edit is boring

The new Boring Detector introduced in Resolve 16 is a handy feature that automatically analyses your timeline to identify places where your clips are too long or too short. This real-time editing feedback should help speed up the editing process; editors no longer have to actually watch what they have constructed to know where it drags.

Close up edit feature streamlines talking-head edits

With increasing video resolutions, it’s not uncommon for editors to crop wide shot for a closer view of the subject. DaVinci Resolve 16 recognizes this practice with the new close up edit feature, which uses intelligent facial recognition to automatically reframe a tighter shot on your talent. This promises to allow editors to easily add more variety to their edits.

You can now cut clips in the timeline

Until now, the ubiquitous cut tool was missing from the DaVinci Resolve interface. That’s changing with version 16, which adds a much-requested cut clip tool. The tool allows editors to make instant cuts to clips in the timeline with one click.

Hardware updates

Along with the software, Blackmagic Design has also updated the DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard for better functionality and more intuitive control. There is a new adaptive scroll feature on the search dial and some buttons have been renamed to match the corresponding functions in the software, among other updates.

DaVinci Resolve 16 Feature Overview

  • New updates allow editors to improve sorting of media.
  • Smart Indicator adds UI feedback for intelligent edit features.
  • New cut clip tool allows instant cutting of clips in the timeline.
  • New button changes on DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard.
  • Boring Detector shows areas of the timeline that lack interest.
  • New Sync Bin organizes and displays sync media for easy shot selection.
  • Close up edit mode now includes face recognition to better frame shots.
  • New sync window allows manual syncing of clips, or audio based sync.
  • Multiple other improvements in editing, color, Fusion and Fairlight audio pages.
  • Dual Timeline allows you to navigate without having to waste time zooming and scrolling.
  • Dedicated Trim Interface lets you see both sides of an edit and trim in frame
  • You no longer have to place in points because the Intelligent Edit Modes can sync clips and edits.
  • Review an entire timeline or clips with multiple speed playback that is automatically set based on clip length.
  • You can import individual files or entire directory structures with subfolders as bins into your project right from the Cut page.
  • Interface is scalable, making it better to use on smaller laptops.
  • Timelines can be created with different frame rates, resolutions, monitoring and output settings in the same project.
  • Blend modes transformations, ResolveFX, color grades can be applied on the top of a stack of clips in the timeline
  • You can analyze shots and apply stabilization with full camera lock, zoom, smooth and strength controls on the Edit page.
  • Custom and HSL curves can display a histogram.
  • The Keyframe Editor now supports viewing and editing keyframes for both ResolveFX and OpenFX plugins.
  • The auto color balance and auto shot match tools now use the DaVinci Neural Engine to process images.
  • Use shared markers to create, modify and add notes.

DaVinci Resolve 16 is available now at no cost. To learn more, visit blackmagicdesign.com.

Nicole LaJeunesse
Nicole LaJeunesse
Nicole LaJeunesse is a professional writer and a curious person who loves to unpack stories on anything from music, to movies, to gaming and beyond.

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