Canon news: company is hit with ransomware attack

According to the news reports, Canon is experiencing a widespread outage and is being held hostage due to a ransomware attack.

Right now, more than two dozen-owned domains have been affected by the outage. According to BeepingComputer, 10 TB of company data has been stolen during the outage. The Canon USA website is currently down, stating it’s up for maintenance. The global and Japanese websites seem unaffected by the attack however.

News reports claim Canon is experiencing widespread system issues

An internal email from Canon IT reportedly claimed the company is experiencing “wide spread system issues affecting multiple applications, Teams, Email, and other systems may not be available at this time.” BeepingComputer also has a screenshot of an alleged ransom note sent to Canon. The note identifies Maze ransomware is being used in the attack.

Here is the image that was found by BeepingComputer:

Different than the Garmin attack

This is unlike the WastedLocker ransomware that was used in the Garmin attack. Maze essentially encrypts internal systems and exfiltrated data. The hacking group behind the Maze attack when contacted by BleepingComputer said they stole “10 terabytes of data, private databases etc” from Canon. It’s possible if Canon doesn’t pay the ransom, the data will be leaked on data leak sites. Reportedly, Garmin paid a multimillion-dollar ransom to restore access to its systems. It’s possible the group is demanding the same ransom for Canon.

Canon has said to The Verge and BeepingComputer, Canon said it was investigating the situation. When we learn more news about the Canon situation, we will let you know.

Sean Berry
Sean Berry
Sean Berry is Videomaker's managing editor.

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