Live video production of all kinds has never been in a better position for growth than in 2023. A bold but true statement. Whether it is a single camera shoot or the biggest multi-camera event like the World Cup or Super Bowl, audiences crave the look and ex- citement of live production. Sports, concerts, special events, and of course live stream- ing. According to Grand View Research, the live streaming industry will continue to grow in the next couple of years. By 2028, it’s expected to become a $223.98 billion industry and live corporate productions will continue to increase at an astonishing rate.
With that in mind, we wanted to take a fresh look into the state of live production from all angles for you, both the new and the experienced production professional. That profes- sional who is out there every day creating both traditional and streamed live content. In addition, we reached out to some of the top video production professionals in the field to gain a better understanding of their thoughts of working in the live production space.