
Stuff You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about copyrighting your video

We're here to cover everything you need to know about what copyright is and how to protect your video for years to come.
How to Use Someone's Likeness Safely in Your Social Media Video

How to Safely Use Someone’s Likeness in Your Social Media Video

It’s safe to say that almost everyone is on social media. We post videos of ourselves and our friends often without thinking about it. But what happens when that video goes viral and suddenly becomes a source of revenue? How can we avoid the legal complications that might accompany such success?
Video Misuse and the Law

What You Can Do When Your Video is Misused Online

Cyberbullying and nonconsensual pornography (otherwise known as “revenge porn”) are two of the most common ways in which videos are misused online to harm...

What you need to know about video production and the law

When you start any business, you should know the legalities of the business. It is difficult enough to set up a business with suitable...
Gavel and Law Book

Errors and omissions — covering your bases for inaccuracies

Creating a documentary or other non-fiction video content often requires hours of research, painstaking attention to detail, and ultimately a desire to find and expose some truth.
What's Legal: When Are Background Sounds With A Copyright In Video Clips OK?

What’s Legal: When Are Background Sounds With A Copyright In Video...

The scenario is simple: background music, either live or recorded, is playing while you are videotaping a scene. Explaining the law in regards to...
Taking Stock of Your Stock Footage

Taking stock of your stock footage

Much like crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo have created a platform for individuals to fund projects or receive crowdsourced investments, stock footage websites...
Freebooting: What to do if Someone Steals your Video

Freebooting: What to do if someone steals your video

In a nutshell Freebooting is when someone steals your content and uploads it to the web, and it’s a violation of copyright lawYour best defense...

Production insurance for video, film and photography

Just as you wouldn’t drive a car without insurance, you should also never shoot without it either.
<a href="">Lucian Milasan</a> / <a href=""></a>

Fair Use Limitations – Best Practices for Shooting Video

Years ago, I was on a team of shooters on a wedding reality series produced for a regional lifestyle network.

Video Courses

Starting a Video Business

If you're thinking about going from amateur status to professional video producer but you're not sure where to start, this course is for you....

What's New

Everything you need to know about copyrighting your video

We're here to cover everything you need to know about what copyright is and how to protect your video for years to come.
Drones and fire featured image

Drones and wildfires are a dangerous mix

It may be tempting to use your drone to capture footage of a fire. However, distractions in the FTA can be perilous for emergency responders.

When do you need a model release form?

Whether you’re working on a documentary, hip-hop music video, social media ad or anything in between, remember that if you’re going to be recording people, make sure they sign a model release form. This basic-but-crucial step gives you permission to use footage of that...

Privacy concerns in the era of drones

Note:  This article provides general information, not legal advice. Consult a local attorney with any questions.  Drones afford many benefits, some quite extraordinary, including assisting with aerial mapping, education, real estate and cropland management, urban planning, power line and pipeline inspection, wildfire management, disaster response...

What you need to know about video production and the law

When you start any business, you should know the legalities of the business. It is difficult enough to set up a business with suitable equipment, personnel, infrastructure, marketing, and customers or clients without having to worry about legal liabilities. The same is true in...

What is an entertainment attorney and what do they do?

Sometimes, people want to know how they can videotape in a public place, or adapt a story or a song or a commercial film to make a new movie. Sometimes, they are looking for an agent or contacts to help them distribute their production. This is where an entertainment attorney steps in.

Production insurance for video, film and photography

Just as you wouldn’t drive a car without insurance, you should also never shoot without it either.
Image of the SAG-AFTRA building

SAG-AFTRA: Should you hire union? Here’s what New York labor attorney...

Your decision to work with SAG-AFTRA or other unions will directly impact your talent pool, budget, daily schedule, overall timeline and many other factors.
Taking Stock of Your Stock Footage

Taking stock of your stock footage

Much like crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo have created a platform for individuals to fund projects or receive crowdsourced investments, stock footage websites...

Public domain: What’s theirs is sometimes yours

When does a copyright enter the public domain? We get this question all the time. We'd love to say, If published after this date...

How does fair use apply to fan fiction video?

Can you legally create and distribute fan fiction that uses existing plots and characters from your favorite books, shows and movies? And if so, to what extent and under what circumstances?

The importance of video release forms when recording people

Whether you’re working on a documentary, hip hop music video, or social media ad, certain components are key. If you’re recording people, you must make sure they sign a release form.
Adding “LLC” to the end of your business name can also give your company some additional credibility.

Everything you need to know about starting an LLC

Admittedly, determining how your business will be organized is not nearly as exciting as picking your company name, creating a logo or building a...
Video Misuse and the Law

What You Can Do When Your Video is Misused Online

Cyberbullying and nonconsensual pornography (otherwise known as “revenge porn”) are two of the most common ways in which videos are misused online to harm...