A Compete Guide to Shooting Wedding Video

Guide to Shooting Wedding Video

Just Like Magicians, Wedding Videographers Don’t Share Their Secrets. This eDoc is The Exception.

Wedding videographers know that they have one of the best jobs in the world. They get to go to big parties and collect up to $3500 for their efforts. They also know that anyone with a camcorder and a computer can easily become a potential competitor and end up taking some of their business. The only real thing that separates the pros from the average person or family member with a camera is their knowledge of how to make better quality wedding videos.

Although relatives with cameras are free, most couples will choose to go with a professional once they have seen a demo provided by a professional wedding videograher. Naturally, wedding videographers do not want others in their area to be capable of creating a high quality demo similar to theirs, so they are reluctant to share. In this eDoc “A Compete Guide to Shooting Wedding Video” We break the wedding videographer’s rule of silence as we reveal secrets that often require years of experience to attain.

In This eDoc you will learn.

  • How to set up expectations so your clients are eager to hire you, and have realistic expectations of what you can do for them.
  • Key pieces of equipment needed for the business.
  • Tips to getting the best sound, so you don’t miss the “I DOs”
  • How to plan and prepare so you’re ready to capture key moments.
  • Key shot list. The key moments in every wedding that must be captured.
  • Best camera angles to use for the key moments you need to capture.

There is a clear qualitative difference between a video made by a relative or “friend with a camcorder” and videos made by professional wedding videographers. Even if you have never shot a wedding video before, the eDoc “A complete Guide to Shooting Wedding Video” will help you eliminate that difference.

When shooting a wedding video there are many moments that only happen once that you must be prepared to capture. This eDoc will help you get ready for those moments. If you’re serious about wanting to get into the wedding business, you owe it to yourself and your future clients to obtain this eDoc. For only $3.49 it makes a great investment, because you will be acquiring the skills needed to get a return of up to 1000x the price of your investment on just one video.