Color Correction 201

Color Correction 201

Color Correction 201

Learn the technique used by Hollywood’s greatest directors
to focus the audience’s attention on a single object.

Have you ever wanted to make the sky bluer or the grass greener? Ever wonder how they blend in characters shot in color alongside other characters and backgrounds in black and white? In our eDoc Color Correction 201 you will learn how these tricks are done.

In 1983’s Rumble Fish, Francis Ford Coppola spent a small fortune isolating the Siamese fighting fish, maintaining their color while the background fades to black and white. Today you can achieve that simple effect with your computer and less than $1,000 worth of software. In the Videomaker eDoc Color Correction 201, we show you how to apply this effect to your videos.

Isolate any object within your video and maintain its color while everything else turns to black and white. Learn how to achieve the effect used in such classic movies as Pleasentville and Sin City.

Take an ordinary shot of outdoor scenery and make it breathtaking. Isolate and enhance the color of any element you choose. For only $3.49 you can download and own the eDoc that explains how color correction effects are done, then store it on your hard drive for future reference. Develop the ability to apply this effect whenever you are so inspired.