The Top 5 Accessories for A DSLR Video Shoot

The Top 5 Accessories for A DSLR Video Shoot

When you’re getting ready to go on your first DSLR shoot, there are a few things that you need to remember. These five items are essential – but too often forgotten.

It’s time for your next DSLR shoot, do you have everything? And by everything, we don’t just mean your camera. Too many videographers make the mistake of thinking that the DSLR is the be-all and end-all of video equipment. And while the camera is always going to be the single most important item in your video arsenal, it can’t do the job alone. Even if you’re doing a short, simple shoot, there are still five all-important extras that you NEED to have in your bag of tricks.

There are a lot of things that you can leave behind when you go off on a DSLR shoot, but not these five things. This free report, The Top 5 Accessories for A DSLR Video Shoot, will help you keep track of the simple, important accessories that can make or break a shoot. Know what equipment you can get away with leaving at home and what equipment is vital to take with you. It’s easy to get complacent and think that you can rely on just a DSLR and your own luck, but we all know that luck has a tendency to run out at the worst times. That’s why we decided to write down this helpful check-list, so that even the most absent-minded videographer will know what they need to have at their side.

Videomaker wants you to have everything that you need to make every shoot a success, so we’ve put together a free report to help you keep track of the little things that could make your production a failure or success. We asked Patrick Hughes, Partner and Production Director at BuzzFarmers, LLC to compile this helpful guide to the five essential tools that you need to make sure that your next shoot goes smoothly.

Read The Top 5 Accessories for A DSLR Video Shoot
to Get the Best Results on Video Shoots

It hardly seems like five little things could make a difference when you’re out in the field shooting video with your DSLR, but the truth is EVERYTHING makes a difference. You’ll want to make sure that you’re fully equipped with all the essentials when you leave for your next DSLR shoot. The Top 5 Accessories for A DSLR Video Shoot can help you make sure that you have everything you need. Don’t leave anything to chance!


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  • The Five Essential DSLR Accessories
  • Future Accessories

Videomaker always brings you the best video tips and tricks

At Videomaker, we want to give you the knowledge you need to make great videos. In the beginning we were all new to making video, and we understand how frustrating it can be to have a desired look in mind and lack the knowledge needed to translate your vision to video. That’s why we want to take you on a transformational journey through a series of emails designed to develop a well-rounded set of production skills, so you can make consistently great video.