123 Vectors
“An easy to navigate free vector site. Large photos show users exactly what they should expect with a highly visible download button for easily downloading these free vectors. With features like these and a fairly significant library to boot, this site is definitely worth checking out for your vector needs.”
“Claiming to be full of or having the qualities of design, this website has tons of nice looking vectors and vector packs that can be used as a part of your next design.”
Free Vector
“A website completely dedicated to vector art, logos and wallpapers, and inspiration. Many of the high quality vectors shown on their site are free for download.”
Go Media
“Both a magazine and a huge online resource for professional tutorials, free desings, and articles, this should be one of your first stops for your vector and training needs!”
“From the same people who brought you audiojungle, themeforest and more comes graphicriver, another high quality, attractive site with prices that are hard to beat. They have 12, 478 stock graphic files that start at only $1. This site has to be visited to be believed.”
Icon Finder
A place to search for free high quality web icons for use in both video and web.
A small offering of free vector art.
The most popular and trusted stock illustration and photo library on the internet. There are hundreds of high quality user submitted graphics to choose from at a fairly good price.
Keep Designing
“A vast collection of free vectors, tutorials, brushes, photos, and vector art in an attractive design. The goal of the site? To keep you designing great graphics.”
Motion Elements
“MotionElements.com is a royalty-free marketplace in Asia for Worldwide stock animation, video footage, After Effects templates, Apple Motion templates and music. With 400,000+ stock media content, be sure to try out their growing library of free stock video.”
Stock Graphic Designs
An attractive site with thousands of professional looking graphical elements and backgrounds. You can literally download the entire vector and brush collection for just $199.95. An incredible deal for very useful graphical elements!
“A part of a large network of free design sites, Vecteezy manages to yet again make it easy and enjoyable to browse through thousands of high quality free vectors. These vectors get updated constantly as a large number of designers belong to the Vecteezy network.”
Vector Open Stock
A great looking website dedicated to vector graphics. Artists from all over the world have submitted their creations to share for free on this site.
Vector Portal
“With over 2 million downloads and designs that have been used in ads, flyers, TV commercials, banners, book covers, and logotypes by designers around the world, this free vector website is hard to beat.”
A nicely designed site with fresh vectors every month at pretty good prices. Many of their vector designs are very professional and some are even free!
Great vector illustrations for free. If you want a higher quality vector illustration you only pay $1. A seriously amazing deal for any motion graphic designer.
“Another small, but free vector graphic site that offers vectors for use in commercial products. They have 118 Vector Sets to choose from.”
Vintage Vectors
A small but highly useful vector site featuring 8 pages of old time photos and illustrations from the 18th century to the present. Best of all it’s all free.