Documentary Production: The Shoot

Capturing the best video and audio for your project is an important part of any documentary. It’s where all your hard work pays off. To help you put together a smooth production, we look at good policies for capturing B-roll, how to get location access, set up good lighting and capture sound, and ways to prepare and direct great interviews. With these tips, you’ll be able to make your documentary both compelling and professional.

Getting Location Access (Free for Non-Members)
In order to gain access to locations, well look at the types of access problems you might encounter, how to manage the details of the locale and when you’ll need location releases.

Preparing for Interviews
We look at what equipment you’ll need, how to make a room look great, what to include in a talent release, and how to make your subjects look their best.

Directing Interviews (Free for Non-Members)
To help you record your interviews, we show you what you need to brief your talent, how to ask quality questions, and good ways to respond to questions.

Capturing B-roll
We go over some tips on how to direct and record people for your B-roll, and show you some ways to cover live events to make your documentary interesting and informative.

Common Lighting Setups
To help you make your scenes look professional, we look at the first steps to good lighting and how to place lights and equipment in a variety of lighting setups.

Field Sound Recording
To capture the best sound possible, we look at the proper ways to use microphones, how to monitor sound, and how to use field mixers.

The Videomaker Editors are dedicated to bringing you the information you need to produce and share better video.

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