To produce high quality videos, you need to capture and edit high quality sound. Learning the tips and tricks to record and edit audio is a great way to raise the production value of your whole project. In this course, we teach you everything from the initial recording process to using post production filters, as well as syncing your audio to video and producing a great sound mix. These essential tools will enhance the audio in your project to achieve a more professional result.
How to Record Voice Overs (Free for Non-Members)
In this segment we show you how to prepare a recording booth and choose proper audio equipment. Once you know the ins and outs of recording and editing voice overs, your narration will be solid and carry as much impact as the rest of your production.
How to Use Compressors, Limiters and Noise Gates (Free for Non-Members)
Now that you’ve recorded all the various components of your audio track, and have them carefully assembled on your timeline, it’s time to add a professional touch. In this segment, we show you how to ensure that your audio is well balanced and free of both low end noise and high end distortion by using compressors, limiters and noise gates to sound its very best.
How to Use Audio Effects and Filters in Post
In this training video we show you some tools for sweetening your mix and and even correcting those inevitable audiosyncracies. Soon you’ll be using audio effects and filters such as the EQ, lowpass, highpass and notch filters, as well as compressors, limiters, and reverb, to have your audio sounding its absolute best.
How to Mic Groups of People
Recording great audio is the goal but how exactly do we accomplish that? In this segment we discuss miking scenarios for recording studio interviews, conference rooms, live events, and film acting so you’ll be ready to capture awesome audio in every situation.
How to Sync Dual System Sound
Capturing flawless video and awesome audio is certainly a crucial part of the process, but if the two aren’t properly synchronized in post then the results will surely be disastrous. We show you how to bring it all together using timecodes, slates and waveforms, and synching software, to keep your project’s timing on track and looking and sounding it’s absolute best.
How to Design a Professional Sound Mix in Post (Free for Non-Members)
You’ve captured great audio and brought it into the editing timeline where you’ve synchronized and cleaned it up even further. For one final touch before releasing your masterpiece to the masses, we’ll show you how to design a professional sound mix in post, using ducking, frequency gaps and normalization to give your audio a particularly professional polish and set it in a class all its own.