

The 9 Classic Camera Moves

Professional videographers usually follow this one rule of thumb: when it comes to camera movement, it must be motivated. Because it looks cool, is...

Shooting Terms Jargon

boom (verb) (pedestal) Vertical camera move ("boom up," "boom down") often making use of a boom or a jib.composition Visual make-up of a scene, including such...

Fun Video Factoids

Surrounded by so much video technology, it’s easy to forget that video hasn’t always been a part of our world. In fact, the entire...

How High the Camera?

One of our notorious Seven Deadly Camera Sins is Upstanding: recording every shot from the height of an upright adult. Upstanding happens because videographers...

Using Camera Angles Like a Pro

Whether a program is fiction, documentary, corporate promotion, or any other genre, it should have a professional style -- a style created largely by...

Impress the Judges: How to Succeed in Video Contests

Movie festivals and competitions are an excellent and effective way to show your productions to large audiences. Winning a video contest can also improve...

Multi-camera Event Recording

If you videotape events with multiple cameras, you can save time in post-production by doing live-to-tape multi-camera shoots. Graduations, dance recitals and sports are...